Friday, September 9, 2011

San Diego

We had such a fun time in San Diego for our 10th anniversary.  We flew Dani down to Las Vegas to be with the kids and jumped in the car and headed down to the beach.  We had a great time.  It is fun for a few days just being together not worrying about nap and bedtimes, potty breaks and being constant entertainment.  We missed that though and were ready to get back to it when we went home.  But it definitely was good to get away!

DAY 1 &  2

Hanging out on the beach
Long walks on the beach (holding hands)
Eating at Rubys
Watching the fisherman
Oceanside Swap meet
Oceanside Sacrament meeting
Eating at Harneys (our new favorite sushi place)
Ice Cream at Rite Aid
Talking to each other uninterrupted :)
Being Exhausted and watching Lost on Netflix

I know you can't see my eyes, I have a hard time after having sunglasses on :)

DAY 3 & 4

Giants vs. Padres Baseball Game
Riding the trolley
Being Late for the baseball game!
Shopping, Shopping and more Shopping
Eating at Ruth's Chris
Walking around downtown San Diego
Walking on the beach
Eating at Long Boarder Cafe
More Ice Cream at Rite Aid
Watching more Lost on Netflix


Laying on the Beach
Eating at Harneys (Again)
Shopping on the boardwalk
Watching Surfers
Relaxing for the last time
Driving Home 

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I know that you said you had fun, but the pictures totally show that you did. I love looking at all your pictures. You are so awesome!