Friday, February 5, 2010

6 is Old!

This year Dallin "is into" Superheros and WWE.  That is right, Dallin loves wrestling and Garrett did not introduce him to it.  He got money from Uncle Stevie and picked out wrestlers last summer and he loved them.   Then he found out that kids in our circle like WWE and they talked about it. And when Garrett found out that he really liked it he turned Dallin onto Monday Night Raw and the rest is history.  It is funny because Garrett has not watched wresting for 10 years and now Dallin loves it.  So because of this new found love, I made Dallin a wrestling ring cake and he got many wrestlers for his birthday and Christmas this year. 

I cannot believe he is 6!  That is just crazy to me that he is so old.

I took in treats to his Kindergarted class.  That is him sitting in his seat.

We did not do a big birthday party this year, but he really wanted to do something so we took him and a few friends that had morning kindergarten to Chuck-E-Cheese, since I had some coupons.  It was really fun and the kids had a blast.

Garrett got to stop by for lunch to see how the party was going.

We opened presents after Gar got home from work, Kennedy wanted some presents to and was kind of sad they were all Dallins.

Abby came to Chuck-E-Cheese and then to our house all day to celebrate Dallin's birthday.  After Dawson got off work Lisa, Lex and Dawson came over for cake and ice cream. 

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