Wednesday, September 9, 2009

1st Day of School

Dallin started Kindergarten this year. I knew it would be an emotional day for me and it was. I am so happy for him though, because he needs school. He gets so bored if he is not constantly entertained and then he will start bugging Kennedy. I was sad to let him go. He is my buddy always there wherever I go, and my helper when I need him. He loves school!! He loves his teacher and everything about school. He does not even want to go to California next week because he does not want to miss school.

I had tears flowing taking pictures through the fence. He said good bye and did not even look back.

In a way it is the beginning of the end. It just seems that time will go by faster and life will get crazier with kids in school.

This is Kennedy's second day of "Class" (as she calls it) There is a few friends of mine with kids all about the same age that talked me into doing a preschool for the kids one day a week. I originally thought Kennedy was too young, but she absolutely loves it and talks about it all the time. She can't wait to go to Class.

She loves using "Lawmy's or Dallin's" pack-pack. It is bigger than she is.

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